"E-bikes Over 50 Connections" is a new private Facebook Group. It is not meant to replace, or take away from the main "E-bikes For People Over 50" group. It is simply an add-on to your group experience.
Facebook does a great job of putting people together from across the globe to share particular interests. Our main group currently has 34K members, and we are adding approximately 1200-1400 new members per week. Our main group is public, and these members are comprised of people from all continents around the globe. Sharing adventures and ideas with different cultures is exciting and educational and cannot be duplicated in any other forum.
Why should everyone join this new group?
This new private group was created to form a pool of all of our current members. The goal of this new platform is to simply allow members to find others in their local area to connect with. Connecting with others in your local area has unlimited advantages. Local commonality being the most important. Every area is unique unto itself. Here are a few examples.
Sharing trail and greenway information
Finding local bike/repair shops or mobile mechanics
Creating local events
Finding new friends with common interests even if it's not in-person
Hooking up and riding together
Buy, Sell and Trade Bikes and Accessories locally
There are many other advantages as you can imagine.
How would this large pool of people form local groups?
Back in early January, we published a local social media platform inside our website for local groups which is similar to Facebook in that it allows you to form a group for your local area. Others in your area join the group. After joining, you can post comments, pictures etc., and communicate with other group members just as you would on any social media platform. The only difference is the members you'll be communicating with are in your local area and not spread across the globe.
Think of this new Facebook group as an E-bike dating site. The main group of "E-bikes For People Over 50" is diluted with an unlimited number of topics, whereas the new group has only one focus. The only focus of the new group will be finding people in your area and connecting all of you to a local group.
Please be patient as it will take a while to build enough membership to be effective. In the end it will be worth it. 100% participation of everyone reading this is necessary for this to work as expected. Even if you're not a groupie, you can join a group as an observer just to keep updated in your community.
We thank everyone for being a member of our "E-bikes For People Over 50" community.
Below is a link to the new Facebook Connections page, please join us!